Awesome My Lord I Need You Quotes

Awesome My Lord I Need You Quotes
Awesome My Lord I Need You Quotes

Awesome My Lord I Need You Quotes:-We believe in God, when we are in trouble we pray to God by saying My Lord I Need You, please give me the strength to face all the trouble.

Love and Pray is the only way we can make God happy, every day we search Awesome My Lord I Need You Quotes on the internet, there are lots of sites that are shared Awesome My Lord I Need You Quotes, God knew I needed you to quote one of them is

When we feel sad, tired, hurt, pain, and alone everybody leaves us and makes us alone but God is the only one who never leaves us alone, whether we are Good or bad whatever the situation.

Here we have share some beautiful My Lord I Need You Quotes with our visitors, they can share with their friends, family and relative.

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Awesome My Lord I Need You Quotes

The time you are spending to God is never counted as wasted.

Dear God I don’t request you to make my life easier, but I will request you to give me the strength to face all the trouble.

My Lord holds me! I m tired, depressed, hurt, sad and I am alone.

To achieve success in life focus on your work but not its reward.

Fear not about the real, today future but try to face the real because real cannot be destroyed.

Life is precious, should not destroyed because it is a gift from God.

God Knew I Needed You Quotes

God Knew I Needed You Quotes:- Father and Mother are the first God for every son and daughter, we should always love our parents and obey them, if our parents are happy then God will be always happy.

We should give first priority to our father and mother because their contribution is countless all the number become less if we talk about their contribution toward their son/daughter, we can take an example from the Hindus God Shri Ganesha, when the Shri Ganesh father Mahadev told his two sons, who round the universe first he will be considered stronger as well as intelligent, then his another son Kartikeya went to flew to complete the round of Universe.

But another son Shri Ganesha did not go out instead of that he takes round to his father and mother and pray and said that his father and mother are the whole universes and his first God.

This way he show his intelligent and show his faith toward his father and mother.

God I Need You Quotes

God I Need You Quotes :- We all need God because God is the only one who never left us alone, if you really need a God then be faith and be obedient with your parents because they are your first God, they bring you in this world and help you to learn to distinguish between good and bad, so always be faithful and obedient with your parents.

Here we have share Awesome god I need you quotes on our blog which helps you to motivate you, also we suggest you to share Awesome My Lord I Need You Quotes with your friends, family, and relative.


Through this article, we have shared that we all need God in our life because God is the only one who never left us alone whatever the situation may be, My father and mother is the first god in this world so we should always be faithful and obedient with our parents.

Here we have shared the Awesome My Lord I Need You Quotes, God Knew I Needed You Quotes, and many more for our visitors.

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Person can find Awesome My Lord I Need You Quotes on our blog.


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