How to write a letter on hostel life in English


Nowadays most of the students were send to the Hostel for better education, at this time they have lot’s of stories about their hostel life, which they want to share their stories with their loving one such as Father, mother, brother and with their friends through a letter but now they share their stories with a phone call, WhatsApp or SMS but due to this high advance technology students become lazy, most of them are not able to write a letter on hostel life in English at the right way that’s why are helping them to write a  letter on hostel life in English.

This is also going to help those students who had never gone hostel even they can totally compose this letter from given below box. We hope this format help them to write a letter on hostel life in English in the right way and share their feeling and experience of hostel life with their loveone.

Must Read

Write a Letter To Your Father About Your Hostel Life In English.

Letter on hostel life in English.

Address:- Darjeeling

Date:- 22/06/2021

Respected Father,

I received your letter yesterday. Your letter shows that you are very worried about me. Dear Father, please do not worry about me. I am all right doing well and happy with my hostel life, at first I was little worry about it, but now I am ok and feel like home.

We get well cooked and delicious food everday, the hostel warden is very kind and friendly, good news is that my roommate is my class mate, he is very honest and helpful person, we help each other jointly.

I study regularly and go to the school every day.  The school Principle takes to round of hostel  in a week. How is my brother ? Hope he is doing well. Tell him I miss him very much and next month I will come to Home.

                                                                                                                        Yours loving Son


Q1. Write a letter to your mother telling her why you like hostel life?

Ans Now a days sharing your hotel experience with your mother through a letter is easy, a person can find the letter format on our article.

Q2. Write a letter to your mother about your daily routine in hostel?

Ans Now a person can write a letter about his experience at hostel within a minute with the help of cell phone.

Q3. Write a letter to your father about your hostel life in English ?

Ans Nowadays most of the students were send to the Hostel for better education, at this time they have lot’s of stories about their hostel life, which they want to share their stories with their loving one such as Father, mother, brother and with their friends through a letter but now they share their stories with a phone call, WhatsApp or SMS but due to this high advance technology students become lazy, most of them are not able to write a letter on hostel life in English at the right way that’s why are helping them to write a  letter on hostel life in English.


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