Best Hostel Life Vs Home Life Quotes 2021


Best Hostel Life Vs Home Life Quotes 2021:- Hostel life is fun life with friends but home life is loveable life with the parents both life are important life for us, here we are gonna share Hostel Life Vs Home Life Quotes 2021 with our friends.

Best Hostel Life Vs Home Life Quotes 2021

At child hood children is used to send to the hostel for better education, which is far away from the home which is totally difference from the home life, in hostel life there is some restriction from the authority but in home there is no restriction, children are totally free to watch TV, playing ludo, carom and other activity but in hostel life there is some restriction.

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Best Hostel Life Vs Home Life Quotes 2021

“One cannot think well, sleep well, and love well but in home life lots of love from parents.”

“Hostel life is like a prison but home life is like a heaven.”

“Less talk do more is a hostel life but do more, talk more is a home life.”

“Hostel life is like a bird in the cage.”

Hostel Life days

Wake up early in the morning obey the rule and regulation of hostel, obey the warden, there is schedule for breakfast lunch and dinner, before doing something new, take permission from the authorities.

There is much more rule and regulation in hostel life, which student has to followed everyday weather it is sunny, rainy or windy day rule means rule. Some hostel does not allow to carry cell phone for the students which is not good for the students.

Analyzing the Hostel life, hostel life has less disadvantage but more benefits benefit for the students because students learn discipline from hostel life, they learn many things from the hostel life at before the students has to followed the rule of hostel premises because for their bright future.

Home Life day

In home life there is no restriction no rule, which the students was free to move, watch play and dance. There is no restriction the students was liberty for their dream, wish this is the major difference between hostel life vs home life.

At home there is no any rule to get up early in the morning and at night go to bed, no schedule for lunch, dinner, at any time can have the food. Whole day watching movie, playing game on mobile phone etc.

Major difference between Hostel Life VS Home Life

No rule and regulation at home but in hostel life there is strict rule.

Without cell phone life is boring life called hostel life, but With cell phone life is golden life.

Hostel life is like a bird in the cage, home life is like a lion is a king of the jungle.


Hostel life vs home life both life are important, at hostel life there is pretty much more strict compared to home life, because hostel authorities are duty bound to take care of the students and they are strict the students because it is for the students bright future.

We hope our visitors like our post, Best Hostel Life Vs Home Life Quotes 2021, if our visitors want to give any suggestion relating to Best Hostel Life Vs Home Life Quotes then are free to give.

Q1. Which is better home life vs hostel life?

Ans Hostel Life vs Home Life both life are important, At hostel there is strict rule and regulation for the students, but at home there is no rule and regulation that can restrict the students, for students studies hostel life is best.


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