Whatsapp Hand Emoji Meaning in English

Whatsapp Hand Emoji Meaning in English
Whatsapp Hand Emoji Meaning in English

Whatsapp Hand Emoji Meaning in English:-Sending Emoji is the best way to share our feeling, today we talk about Whatsapp Hand Emoji Meaning in English and others WhatsApp emoji meaning in English because it is very important we should know the different emoji and Whatsapp Hand Emoji Meaning before sending it to a cute baby.

Nowadays we everybody want to convey our feeling through emojis and it is the best and easy way to conveying our feeling to our love one through emojis.

Sending emoji to create love, fun and attract the eye of a person that’s why we love to send WhatsApp smiley or others WhatsApp emoji to our close one instead of sending a message.

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We all well known that there are lot’s of WhatsApp emoji is available on WhatsApp we should know the all emoji meanings or emoji symbols and meanings before sending it to friends or love ones.

Here we will help you to know about the Whatsapp Hand Emoji Meaning in English and others WhatsApp emoji meaning and also help you to learn to send the right emoji at right time, misused of WhatsApp emoji can break the relationship between you and your loved one so at least you should have some important WhatsApp emoji meaning and it the right time to use.

WhatsApp Hand Emoji Meaning in English

Here we will talk about the different WhatsApp hand emoji meaning in English and its use in our daily life on social media such as Facebook and WhatsApp.

Raised Hands Emoji Meaning:- 1.  Mostly peoples use palm showing hand to say stop.

2.  When we have a question we also show raised hand examples if students have any question they raise their hand and ask a question to the teacher.

We use raise hand to stop the person or vehicle and another use is to ask something to peoples, this is the use of raised hands emoji meaning.

Open Hand Emoji Meaning:- Open Hand Emoji meaning simply means openness, when a person shows an open hand, it means he wants a hug. It is can be said that Two open hand emoji meaning is a sign of hugs.

Victory Hand
Victory Hand

Victory Hand:-This is the sign of Victory Hand, the two-finger shape is like a “V” that’s why it is called Victory hand. When peoples succeed in victory hand it means they are giving hope to win.

Raising Hand;-This hand is totally raised in the air that’s why it is called a raising hand, peoples raised their hand in the air when they are happy and joyful. It is also called the sign of happiness or joy.

Waving Hand:- Peoples mostly use this sing on WhatsApp to slap but this not the actual meaning of this hand, waving hand meaning the hand waving in the air to say Hi or Good Night.

Clapping Hand:- We also well known that when two hands come close and a sound come out it is called clapping, this hand is used to clap. We use clapping hand when someone gives an awesome speech, clapping is the sing of awesome.

Thumbs Up
Thumbs Up

Thumbs Up:-We use Thumbs up when we agree to him or also show thumbs up that I agree with you.

Thumbs down
Thumbs down

Thumbs down:- This is the opposite of Thumbs up, we show thumbs down when we are not satisfied with his agreement or simply meaning is no/dislike.

Ok Hand
Ok Hand

Ok Hand:- We use Ok hand to say this is ok, right, good, beautiful, sure and excellent.

Folded Hand:-In India we use folded hand to say Namaste, and also use to pray to God but in other countries, peoples use folded hand to say thank you or to say sorry.

Crossed Finger:-One finger is crossing to other fingers that’s why it is called a cross finger, the meaning of cross finger is to pray to God for success or wish for success.

Call me hand
Call me hand

Call me hand:-We show this hand when we want to say to her that please call me. When sometimes when we got tired of chatting with friends then simply we send this emoji to say call me.

Meaning Of Hand Emojis In WhatsApp

Sign of the Horns
Sign of the Horns

Sign of the Horns:- This is the symbol of horns, that’s why it is called a sign of horns. We use this sign of horns when we are very happy/cheerful, peoples also use this sign as Rock On/Rocking, Many big singers use this sign it means that they are rocking enjoying the songs.

Love you hand Gesture:- In the sign of horns the thumb is close but in the love you hand gesture the thumb is open, this open thumb differentiates the Love you hand gesture from the sign of horns. The love you hand gesture is used to say I love you, why this hand gesture is called love you hand gesture/I Love You Gesture because this smallest finger simply means “I” the pointer and thumb make Love or “L” and the smallest finger and thumb finger simply means you “YI LOVE YOU “I” “L” “Y”, that’s why it is called Love you hand gesture.

Writing Hand;- This is the sign of writing hand, when peoples send this hand gesture than we easily understood the person is writing.

Raised Fist:- This is the symbol of Unity when peoples show this symbol then we easily understood that person has a huge number of unity or supports.

On coming fist
On coming fist

On coming fist:- Oncoming fist is also known as bro’s fist, the peoples who are very close they use this hand to say Hi, Hello that’s why it is called bro fist. Peoples use this oncoming fist to hit or bit the person.

Flexed Biceps:- Peoples who show this emoji it means this person is doing exercise or going gem khana. Peoples also use these flexed biceps that he is more strong you.

Pinching Hand;– Peoples use this emoji to say that only small things or amount.

Vulcan Salute hand:-Peoples use this hand gesture when they really want to give blessing to that person, it also means life long in life.

Whatsapp Hand Symbol Meaning

Whatsapp Hand Symbol Meaning:-Here some beautiful Whatsapp Hand Symbol Meaning we have explained for our visitors.

Indexed pointing up emoji
Indexed pointing up emoji

Indexed pointing up emoji:- Peoples use this hand gesture to ask a question if they have any doubt relating to any matter, it also means only one person or thing or anything but only one.

Backhand indexed pointing up emoji
Backhand indexed pointing up emoji

Backhand indexed pointing up emoji:-We use this hand when we really want to say focused on up. The backhand is the opposite of indexed pointing hand up emoji.

Back hand indexed pointing down emoji
Back hand indexed pointing down emoji

Back hand indexed pointing down emoji:- We use this hand gesture when we really want to say look down.

Back hand indexed pointing left
Back hand indexed pointing left

Back hand indexed pointing left;- We use this hand to say look at the left side.

Back hand indexed pointing right
Back hand indexed pointing right

Back hand indexed pointing right:- We use this hand to say look at the right side.

Middle Finger hand gesture
Middle Finger hand gesture

Middle Finger hand gesture:- This sign mostly used in western countries to insult the person.  Peoples who use this sign this is very bad simple, we recommend to our visitors not to use this hand gesture.

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Meaning Of New Hand Emojis In Whatsapp

Meaning Of New Hand Emojis In Whatsapp:-We have upload Meaning Of New Hand Emojis In Whatsapp in our blog, I think this is the right blog to learn about the Whatsapp Hand Emoji Meaning for our visitors, hope our visitors will love our Whatsapp Hand Emoji Meaning.

We also try to cover whatsapp smiley meaning and emoji status with meaning to the next post of our blog.


Whatever we have knowledge about Whatsapp Hand Emoji Meaning in English and Meaning Of Hand Emojis In Whatsapp we have shared with our visitors through this blog post we always try to upload the best quality content for our visitors.

We hope our visitors will love our content and share it with their loved ones, and also help those peoples who really want to know the Whatsapp Hand Emoji Meaning.

If we have missed any other Whatsapp Hand Emoji Meaning our visitors are free to suggest to us we try to upload it on our blog post, visitors can ask anything relating to this blog post, but it is our humble request to our visitors not to make any spams.

What’s the difference between 🤟 and 🤟?

The first emoji simply means “I love you.” And the second emoji simply means a sign of horns, and also means “Rock on.” We use Rock on emoji when we are happy, cheerful, big singers use the rock on emoji that they are enjoying.

What do emoji hands mean?

Emoji hand has various meaning according to its sign but raised hand means the hand which is raised in the air that’s why it is called a raising hand, peoples raised their hand in the air when they are happy and joyful. It is also called the sign of happiness or joy.

What does the WhatsApp emoji mean?

Whatsapp emoji has various meaning according to its sign but the famous one is smiling emoji on whatsapp, it is universally applicable and famous.

What does this emoji mean 👆? pointing

We use back hand pointing up emoji when we really want to say focused on up. The backhand is the opposite of indexed pointing hand up emoji.

What is the emoji that looks like praying hands?

Praying hands/Folded Hands
In India, we use folded hand to say Namaste and also use to pray to God but in other countries, peoples use folded hand to say thanks or to say sorry.

What does raising hands emoji mean?

This hand is totally raised in the air that’s why it is called a raising hand, peoples raised their hand in the air when they are happy and joyful. It is also called the sign of happiness or joy.

What does the two hands raised emoji mean?

We use raise hand to stop the person or vehicle and another use is to ask something to peoples, students raise their hand in class to ask a question to the teacher, this is the use of raised hands emoji meaning.



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